A police detective Clayton Douglas (Tom Sizemore) is summoned to a remote hospital to witness a mysterious Civil War veteran's outrageous death-bed confession that forces him to accept the supernatural.
A police detective Clayton Douglas (Tom Sizemore) is summoned to a remote hospital to witness a mysterious Civil War veteran's outrageous death-bed confession that forces him to accept the supernatural.
Stressed and strung out police detective haunted by the horrific accident that killed his son and crippled his daughter. Follows a hunch that leads him to his destiny.
A lonely man who is thrown into the hell of war and uncovers his unbreakable passion to help others. A burden he will shoulder for far too many years.
A puzzle-enthusiast who's curiosity may have gotten the better of him.
A driven woman in a man's world who joined the sisterhood to advance her ambitions of becoming a doctor. Her faith is waiting to be ignited.
A craftsman, a hunter, a husband and a father. A man devoted to God and his family. No matter what the cost.
A devoted mother and wife with strong superstitions and intuitions. Pure of heart.